So what’s new?
We’ve completely overhauled our website, making it easier to navigate for our clients, partners, and the public. Our logo has been given a new lick of paint, making us ready for 2020 and many years to come. We have dedicated product pages, with new product logos, so you can find the relevant solution and all its key benefits quicker.
As specialists in energy and grease removal systems for foodservice businesses across a wide range of industries in the UK, we had an aim to make our website more accessible to all, ensuring site performance is improved and benefits from user-friendly features.
The new branding is all part of commitment to the solutions we provide, ensuring our website and information represent our dedication to helping our customers through our innovative solutions.
As well as showcasing the services and systems available, visitors can also gain access to latest blogs, news stories and take a look at case studies from businesses who have utilised the Quintex systems previously and the results they have achieved.
Chris Stevens, Client Manager at Quintex said: “Investing in and improving our web presence supports several key actions in our plan for growth”
“This new website is an effective tool that will help enhance our ongoing engagement with clients and interested parties.”
To discuss the Quintex systems, please call us on 0118 973 9310 or drop an email to